With what difficulties is it worth to see a psychologist or psychotherapist?

Signs that a child is facing a problem that he or she cannot or should not cope with on his or her own can occur at any age. Being attentive and responding appropriately as a parent is the first step to provide adequate support. Dou you have doubts about whether this is the right way to go?

PPsychological help may be the answer if your child:

How we can help you

Asking for psychological help is not synonymous with starting a long-term therapeutic process. It can be just a one-time consultation, counseling or recognition of the need to go to another specialist, such as a speech therapist, pedagogue or doctor.

No problem is too trivial if your child is involved. At Novus Therapy Center you will find trustworthy, experienced specialists with the highest competence in working with children, adolescents, as well as the entire families. Feel free to contact us.